bob westcott New Smyrna Beach, FL: Bob passed away July 4, 2013 at his home in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. He was 73 years old. He was born August 28,1939 in Kingston, NY, to parents Clifford and Gertrude Westcott, and is predeceased by his brother Richard. Bob is survived by his wife Joanne Calvano Westcott, daughter Lisa Westcott-Wilkins, son Craig Westcott, daughter-of-the heart, Marne Kwiatkowski, son-in-law Brendon Wilkins, daughter-in-law Kenly Brozman, and grandsons Haven and Keller Westcott, and George Wilkins.

Bob is best known for his love of life and indefatigable sense of humor, his dedication to his family, his energy and philanthropy towards the Edelman-Gardner Cancer Research Foundation, his love of sport and obsession with golf, and his revolutionary political views. Known as &slquo;The Voice of the Cadets&srquo; for his work calling football and other games in the Hilton, NY Central School District, Bob’s 32 years of service to his community touched thousands of students, parents, and colleagues.